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Sports Therapy in Benfleet

Athletes of all ages subject their bodies to tremendous stress, which can lead to injuries and, ultimately, keep them out of the game. At Spinal and Natural Healthcare Centre, we offer a variety of therapies aimed at improved performance, injury management, injury healing and keeping you active in your sport of choice.

We work with a number of professional and semi-professional clubs, and we are the lead sponsor for Rayleigh Cricket Club.

Our Approach to Care

We provide a comprehensive approach to help athletes in a variety of sports achieve the results they’re looking for. Our Osteomyologist, Dr Stuart Lawrence, is a Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner with an International Chiropractic Sports Science diploma.

In addition to chiropractic manipulation, our sports therapists, Jon Ward and Lisa McMahon, have decades of combined experience and tailor care to each client’s specific situation.

Tecar Therapy

Tecar therapy is a revolutionary modality that helps speed healing and is often used for athletes and non-athletes alike. Considered a modern version of ultrasound, it works by stimulating the energy within biological tissues to naturally activate the body’s healing and anti-inflammatory processes.

We use a top-of-the-line Tecar therapy machine, the Winback—there are only six of these units in the UK, and we are proud to offer this cutting-edge therapy to our clients!

Winback energy is compatible with all chronic and acute conditions. In this area, treatment provides visible results as early as the first session (increased range of motion, analgesia, revascularisation). The organic return optimises the healing process while limiting fibrosis. It can be helpful in the following areas:

  • Pain: The rapid elimination of pain is crucial for more effective rehabilitation. The therapist can then start treatment with a faster and deeper action. The analgesic effect lasts for up to 48 hours.
  • Rheumatology: Osteoarthritic conditions: pain relief, deep drainage of oedema, and enhanced range of motion. Chronic tendinopathy, epicondylalgia, neck pain, acute and chronic low back pain, capsulitis, and joint stiffness.
  • Lymphatic drainage: Winback energy optimises aspiration, pressure and resorption movements and accelerates the manual techniques used in lymphatic drainage. Although the effects are immediate, treatment focuses on the mechanical effect, i.e. the rapid and effective removal of excess fluid.
  • Sport: Winback sport offers a full range of treatments provided by qualified health professionals in a welcoming environment. Sports professionals benefit from exclusive and personalised care.
  • Trauma: Winback sport responds to emergency treatment for acute musculoskeletal injuries. Winback energy combined with immediate treatment reduces the extent of the trauma and provides a quick, efficient return to physical activity. Trauma causes contusions and is treated immediately to restructure the damaged tissue and stop the inflammatory process. Preoperatively, effusions and oedema are reduced—thus facilitating surgery. Postoperatively, therapeutic complications are reduced.
  • Recovery: After a competition, a deep tissue massage with Winback energy effectively relaxes the muscles that have been strained by intense effort. These stimulating and relaxing movements restore the biomechanical structure more quickly while improving muscle tone. Muscle spasms, stiffness, new and old muscle injuries: sprains, tears, strains, and muscular contusions.
  • Prevention: The sport physiotherapist’s task is to identify weaknesses in the client’s biomechanical functions. They combine strengthening and rehabilitation in an injury prevention program. He then corrects posture to prevent poor movement triggering a weakness.

Book Today

If you’d like to be at your athletic best, contact us today to schedule your first visit.



Sports Therapy Benfleet, Hadleigh, Rayleigh | 01268 752123